It is extremely common for pest controllers to work in all types of food environment from restaurants right through to high end food manufacturing premises, where the ability for pathogenic organisms to infect food products and potentially cause illness is very high.
Traditional food safety courses are not written with the pest controller in mind and concentrate more on food handlers. However, the work we do, potentially exposes us to many bacteria types that can compromise the integrity of the procedures put in place by food establishments.
This half-day interactive course is aimed at the pest controller; the risk we pose to food environments and how to mitigate this. It will also examine hazard analysis at critical control point systems (HACCP) to create an understanding of these systems and how we fit in. We will also look into the various aspects of Food Safety law and how this relates to pest control procedures.
Course Duration: 4 Hours
CPD Points: 8
This course is FREE for members of the NPTA and a small fee is applied for non-members.
Places are limited to 15 to allow for interaction.