Simplify Your Pest Control Management with Bantham Technologies

Keeping up with paperwork and regulatory requirements in pest control can be a significant challenge. Bantham Technologies offers a streamlined solution to help pest control companies manage their daily operations with ease and precision. With their intuitive system, you can take the complexity out of documentation, helping technicians focus on what matters most—delivering top-quality service to clients.
Key Features:
- Paperwork Automation: Say goodbye to manual processes. Bantham’s system automates essential documentation, making it easier for you to stay compliant and organized.
- Real Client Success: Discover how this system is transforming pest control management through testimonials and client stories, such as this recent testimonial film.
- Industry Insights and Blogs: Learn more about their approach to modern pest control management, including insights into improving efficiency and reducing costs through their blog “Take the Sting Out of
Paperwork” .
To explore Bantham Technologies’ innovative system further, visit their dedicated Pest Control Solutions page or contact Chris Sheppard via email or mobile 07748632834 for more information/ free demonstration
Exclusive Introductory Offer for NPTA Members!
Bantham Technologies is offering an exclusive deal to NPTA members: the first three Months free of charge with a 12-month contract!
Each licence is typically priced at £180 + VAT per year, but with this offer, NPTA members will only pay £135 + VAT per licence in the first year.
Additional costs may apply for form design, depending on complexity. For example A simple 1-2 page tablet form typically costs around £120 + VAT.