Appreciation for pest control’s John Hope

Appreciation for pest control’s John Hope On behalf of the Campaign For Responsible Rodenticide Use UK   It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of pest control stalwart John Hope, states CRRU chairman Alan Buckle. “For several years John represented the National Pest Technicians Association on the CRRU UK Task Force…


FICAM® D WITHDRAWAL DATES NOW CONFIRMED  Press Release from ENVU UK™   Bendiocarb, the active ingredient in Ficam® D, phase-out dates have now been confirmed by the HSE. The dates will be applied from the expiry date of the active substance from 31st January 2024, 180 days sell-out period and an additional 180 day for…

BASF welcomes Laurence Barnard as Country Business Manager for Professional and Speciality Solutions

BASF welcomes Laurence Barnard as Country Business Manager for Professional and Speciality Solutions   Leading pest control solutions manufacturer, BASF, has appointed industry expert Laurence Barnard as its new Country Business Manager for Professional and Speciality Solutions, it has announced. With over 15 years experience in pest management, Laurence will take the lead on BASF’s…

Bendiocarb is being withdrawn from the GB and Ireland markets

On Behalf Of ENVU Due to regulatory measures, Bendiocarb is being withdrawn from the GB and Ireland markets. Bendiocarb, the active ingredient in Ficam D, has been an essential product for pest professionals for over forty years. Due to new BPR registrations, keeping products such as Ficam D on the market has become very difficult.…

Marked increase in illegal rodenticide use threatens future availability

Marked increase in illegal rodenticide use threatens future availability   A sudden and marked increase in the numbers of wildlife incidents that involve the powerful rodenticide brodifacoum has been identified by the government-run Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (WIIS). Some involve either negligent misuse or intentional abuse to harm wildlife. Chairman of the Campaign for Responsible…

CRRU Issues Stark Warning

Could delinquent minority restrict rodent control options for responsible majority?   Another year of “stubbornly static”, and in some cases rising, rodenticide residues in barn owls has prompted an uncomfortable question about the use of poison baits: could irresponsible practices by a delinquent minority restrict future pest control options for the responsible majority? This applies…

HSE safety alert issued: ear loop masks/respirators

HSE safety alert issued: ear loop masks/respirators A safety alert, issued on 26 April 2022, advises that HSE does not recommend using ear loop masks/respirators as tight-fitting RPE at work. New HSE research has shown that respirators/masks which rely on ear loops to hold the respirator/mask in place, do not protect people adequately when used…

Latest rodenticide surveillance finds stubborn barn owl residues

Latest rodenticide surveillance finds stubborn barn owl residues Rodenticide residues have been found in 88% of barn owls by the latest annual surveillance for the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime, operated by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use. The previous year’s figure was 87%. Since this latest 2020 sample of barn owl remains was collected, CRRU…

Rare UK eagle’s rodenticide death shines spotlight on need for responsible rodent control

Rare UK eagle’s rodenticide death shines spotlight on need for responsible rodent control A poisoned white-tailed eagle found in Dorset is dramatic and regrettable evidence of the need for universally responsible use of rodenticides, states the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use. “Whether caused by deliberate abuse or unintended secondary poisoning from eating poisoned rodents, this incident…